Seminar: Plasma Wakefield Accelerators as an Option at the HEP Energy Frontier

Seminar: Plasma Wakefield Accelerators as an Option at the HEP Energy Frontier

Photograph of Dr Erik Adli of the University of Oslo

Dr Erik Adli of the University of Oslo


The latest seminar in the UK Accelerator Institutes Seminar Series (Spring 2023) was given by Dr. Erik Adli (University of Oslo) on Plasma Wakefield Accelerators as an Option at the HEP Energy Frontier. The seminar took place at  16:15 UK time on Thursday 8 June. Slides may be viewed on the seminar series Indico page when available.


Abstract: Plasma wakefield accelerators are capable of particle acceleration with very high accelerating gradients. However, how well are they suited as an option for an energy frontier collider? What advantages may they have with respect to other options? At the University of Oslo we study these topics by targeting specific questions related to plasma linac performance through numerical simulations. I will discuss the methodology we use, and go the through the status of the studies.