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JAI Seminar: FCC-ee Higgs and Electroweak Factory
JAI Seminar: FCC-ee Higgs and Electroweak Factory
After last week's successful first talk in the 2021 JAI seminar series, an event attended virtually by over 40 physicists, Frank Zimmerman of CERN will this week give a talk on the proposed Future Circular Collider (FCC). The talk is due to start at 16:15 on Thursday 28th January and will hosted on this Zoom link.
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) integrated project consists, in a first stage, of an energy- and luminosity-frontier electron-positron collider, FCC-ee. The FCC-ee is a precision instrument to study the Z, W, and Higgs boson, and the top quark, and offers unprecedented sensitivity to signs of new physics. The full abstract can be found here.
Dr. Zimmerman began his career at DESY working on the HERA electron-proton collider. Following this he spent five years as a research associate at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre before moving to CERN prior to the start of the new millennium. His current work at CERN involves research into beam dynamics, beam optics, accelerator improvements and the design of future colliders including the FCC. He is also the editor of the American Physical Society's Physical Review Accelerators and Beams journal.