On October 6, 2010, a workshop titled "Opportunities from Accelerator Technology" was held in the JAI.
Accelerator science can be applied everywhere, not just in particle physics – whether particle accelerators are used directly, the surrounding technology is employed, or our skills and intellectual expertise are utilised. Accelerator science can play a key part in projects relating to science, society and industry.
This Workshop was organized as a forum where the capabilities arising from accelerator science could be explored in a dialogue between representatives of industry and accelerator research. Presentations were given by industrial delegates, academics, university technical staff and representatives of funding bodies and some of the slides are available
. The event was attended by representatives of about thirty companies, ranging widely in size and scope, who had the opportunity to discuss the ways in which accelerator research can be relevant for their business and the most effective ways in which universities and business might work together.
Many new connections were established at this workshop and will be followed up and developed further. A workshop on industrial opportunities at the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus, on October 22, 2010, was also attended by members of JAI. Both these workshops were aimed towards making developments in accelerator science and technology more accessible to industry, for the benefits both to the economy and wider society. We are exploring ways to support continued discussions and welcome all enquiries from business and industry.