- Lecture 0: Organizational matters - slides
- Lecture 1: Basics of accelerators and the art of inventiveness - file
- Lecture 2: Transverse dynamics - file
- Lecture 3: Synchrotron radiation - file
- Project 1: Analysis of inventions - file
- Illustrations of 40 TRIZ/AS-TRIZ principles - file
- Project 3 (start): Compact ring-based X-ray source with laser plasma injection - file
- Homework 1
- Lecture 4: Synergies between accelerators, lasers and plasma - file
- Lecture 5: Conventional acceleration - file
- Lecture 6: Plasma acceleration - file
- Project 2: Laser-plasma acceleration betatron X-ray source - file
- Project 3 (continue): Compact ring-based X-ray source with laser plasma injection - file
- On selection of laser and plasma parameters for Project 3 - file
- Homework 2
- Lecture 7: Light sources - file
- Slides relevant for selection of parameters of superconducting insertion devices - slides
- Lecture 8: Free Electron Lasers - file
- Lecture 9: Proton plasma acceleration - file
- Project 3 (continue): Compact ring-based X-ray source with laser plasma injection - file
- Homework 3
- Lecture 10: Advanced beam manipulation I (short and small) - file
- Lecture 11: Advanced beam manipulation II (stability) - file
- Lecture 12: Inventions and innovation in science & future directions - file
- Project 3 (continue): Compact ring-based X-ray source with laser plasma injection - file
- Exam preparation time
Reading materials for the course: